The proliferation of Professional Training Institutions, as result of the constant demands in terms of initial and continuous training as provided by the General Labour Law of 2015, demanded a new framework regarding the opening and closure of Professional Training Institutions, as well the rules related to their operations or activities.
Private or public owned, any citizen or Angolan legal person may request an authorization to open a Professional Training Institution. In addition, this regulation allows any foreign legal person incorporated under the Private Investment Law to request such authorization, although subject to partnership with a private, public or mixed Angolan entity, duly accredited for the effect.
The Regulation under analysis also establishes the opening and closure process of this kind of Institutions, in particular the licensing and audit process as well the spatial configuration of the facilities.
Attached to the regulation, which entered into force in 11th January 2017, are the necessary requirements, as defined by the legislator, to the development and organization of the formative process, as well the fees and charges which shall be charged for the issuance and renewal of the credentials and necessary certificates to the function of this particular formative structure.