The Presidential Decree no. 151/17, of 4 July amended the redaction of the no. 1 of the Article 75 of the Presidential Decree no.108/11, of 25 May, which approved the Regulation on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals.
The purpose of this amendment was the need of harmonizing the migration legal framework with the provided under article no. 7 of the Legal Framework on the Hiring of Non-Resident Foreign workers (approved by the Presidential Decree no. 43/17, 0f 6 March as amended by the Presidential Decree no. 79/17, of 24 April) regarding the term of foreign workers employment agreement.
In such sense, as provided by the new redaction of the no. 1 of the article 75 of the Regulation on the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals, the maximum term of 3 years for the work visa is no longer provided, thus, their term shall be in accordance to employment agreement as agreed between the employer and the employee. Such norm shall read in conjunction with the article 7 of Legal Framework on the Hiring of Non-Resident Foreign workers which limits the number of potential renewals up to two.
It should be noted that this amendment provides a greater flexibility to the employer on the hiring of Non-Resident Foreign workers, albeit a much needed revision of the Angolan expat policy may arise due to the extension of the term of the employment agreements.
The diploma entered into force on the date of its publication.