The Executive Decree no. 366/17, of 27 July, of the Ministry of Finance approved the new Legal Framework on the Tax Identification Number (“NIF”), revoking the Decree no. 61/04, of 28 September.
The implementation of this measure is based on the fact that the current taxpayer registration system as well as the NIF legal framework are not able to deal with the core challenges imposed by the wider contributors base as well as the need of modernizing the tax information treatment, as per the recommendation of the Executive Branch General Guidelines for the Angolan Tax Reform.
The diploma also provides the essential aspects of the NIF legal framework, such as the procedure for their grant and composition, and an adequate taxpayer registry system in accordance to the much needed modernization, which shall ensure a correct application of the tax legal frameworks and the respect of the taxpayer’s rights and guarantees.
AGT shall also be in charge, as per the exercise of its activity, of update the relevant information regarding the taxpayer registry, as well as proceed with the NIF cancelation and termination, in case an entity has more than one.