Decree-Law no. 1/2018, of 4 May, which have entered into force on 4 May 2018, proceeds to several amendments on the Commercial Code, approved by Decree-Law no. 2/2005, of 27 December, in order to simplify the procedures on the incorporation of commercial entrepreneurs.
With regards to the private limited companies, to the division of quotas it must be obtained the shareholders consent given at the General Meeting. In addition, once the shareholders set up the share capital to each metical of the nominal value of the quota corresponds to one vote. However, the articles of association may assign, as a special right, another number of votes for each metical. The deliberation is considered performed when it obtains half of the votes, plus one, in favour.
If there is no share capital, the counting of the votes is made according to the percentage of each quota corresponds in the share capital.